Yippee! I'm excited to share my November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit "outside the box" creations! (Sorry for the delay. Quite a few things happened this past week that I didn't expect. And what I thought was gonna be 5 days of productiveness turned into only 2. But things are getting back on track. They need to so the room renovations take place on time.) I loved this kit! And I came up with several ideas…treat containers, photo pages (traditional and Project Life), and a fun-fold card.

Grab a snack (or a meal), sit back, and press play. This video is long! I'm a former elementary teacher, and I have a hard time making quick videos. I guess I like to explain and teach as I go.


Here are close-up photos of the cards that the November 2015 kit directions instruct you to make. (This kit had enough supplies to make 5 of each of these gorgeous, festive cards.)

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Here are close-up photos of the projects I created from this kit that are shown in this video.


Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com


Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com


Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com


Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com


Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see even more alternate projects with the November 2015 Mistletoe & Holly Paper Pumpkin kit …#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Want to see more?! On Tuesday I emailed this exclusive and 12 other exclusive ideas to my personal Paper Pumpkin subscribers. If you haven't tried these Paper Pumpkin "kits of creativity," then click here to get started. I will take care of you and help you to make the most of your kits. (Plus, I'm like Santa and send gifts every once in awhile. Hohoho!)

Not sure about Paper Pumpkin? Click here to learn more.

Did you miss out on getting a past kit? Be sure you are an active subscriber. Past kits are available in my online store, and you need to be an active subscriber to purchase them. Plus!…As an active subscriber you won't miss out in the future. 🙂

Still doubtful? There is absolutely no obligation. You can stop your subscription at any time. Yep! You can start it and quit after just one month if you find they are not for you. But I have a feeling you'll discover that the $20 per month gets you get a LOTS of great stuff!

Have questions? Email me any time.

Thanks for visiting today. Hopefully I've given you a fun idea to try or a tip to use for your future paper crafting projects.

Check out my creative Stampin' Up!® ideas! Stamp Your Art Out! blog...www.StampYourArtOut.com


Extra Supplies added to the November 2015 kit contents to make these alternate projects:

  • 3" x 3" sticky note paper, paper sanding tool, ruler & pencil (if you don't have grid paper), treats for sour cream containers, candy bar, black Sharpie™ marker