I am excited to present to you my April 2015 Love You A Lot Paper Pumpkin ideas! Watch the video, then scroll down to see close-up photos of these alternate project ideas AND the supply list for the extra products I used to make them.

Are you one of my personal subscribers? Then you just got another dose of EXCLUSIVE ideas yesterday. Check your email.

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Here are close up photos of what I demonstrated in the video. Be sure to watch the video for tips and extra information. (Watch it in small chunks. It's a long one!…again.)


The card the kit directions will make…

Click here to see alternate projects made with the April 2015 Love You a Lot My Pumpkin Kit… #stampyourartout #stampinup – Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see alternate projects made with the April 2015 Love You a Lot My Pumpkin Kit… #stampyourartout #stampinup – Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Add note card envelopes for mailing…

Click here to see alternate projects made with the April 2015 Love You a Lot My Pumpkin Kit… #stampyourartout #stampinup – Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

A fun idea with extra bow pieces…

Click here to see alternate projects made with the April 2015 Love You a Lot My Pumpkin Kit… #stampyourartout #stampinup – Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see alternate projects made with the April 2015 Love You a Lot My Pumpkin Kit… #stampyourartout #stampinup – Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Convert the supplies to make a treat holder…

Click here to see alternate projects made with the April 2015 Love You a Lot My Pumpkin Kit… #stampyourartout #stampinup – Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see alternate projects made with the April 2015 Love You a Lot My Pumpkin Kit… #stampyourartout #stampinup – Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see alternate projects made with the April 2015 Love You a Lot My Pumpkin Kit… #stampyourartout #stampinup – Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

12×12 Scrapbook Pages (and I only added 12×12 paper and Dazzling Details "glitter glue"!…

Click here to see alternate projects made with the April 2015 Love You a Lot My Pumpkin Kit… #stampyourartout #stampinup – Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see alternate projects made with the April 2015 Love You a Lot My Pumpkin Kit… #stampyourartout #stampinup – Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see alternate projects made with the April 2015 Love You a Lot My Pumpkin Kit… #stampyourartout #stampinup – Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see alternate projects made with the April 2015 Love You a Lot My Pumpkin Kit… #stampyourartout #stampinup – Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see alternate projects made with the April 2015 Love You a Lot My Pumpkin Kit… #stampyourartout #stampinup – Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see alternate projects made with the April 2015 Love You a Lot My Pumpkin Kit… #stampyourartout #stampinup – Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

I hope you enjoyed these ideas. My other ideas (video 2 of 2) will be ready to share on Saturday.

Click here to get signed up for Paper Pumpkin kits today. My subscribers get extra perks: referral rewards, notices when I've posted my videos and photos of alternate projects online, gifts of products & labeled stamp storage cases, opportunities to attend local free monthly Paper Pumpkin Playdates, opportunities to earn $25 in free products, and extra exclusive project ideas!

These are the exclusives from this kit.

Sneak Peek at the April 2015 Love You A Lot Paper Pumpkin kit exclusive alternate projects… #stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Here's a peak of what the exclusive projects were during the past 2 months.

Sneak Peek at the March 2015 Sew You Paper Pumpkin kit exclusive alternate projects… #stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Sneak Peek at the February 2015 Layers of Gratitude Paper Pumpkin kit exclusive alternate projects… #stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com


These kits are great for any age, for any gender, for the busy and those that have lots of time on their hands, as a gift for someone in the hospital, as a gift for Mother's Day!, as a fun set of projects for summer when the kids are home from school!,…

Click here to subscribe today. If you subscribe (or buy and redeem a prepaid subscription – see below) by May 10th, your first kit will arrive around May 16th! If you subscribe (or redeem) after May 10th, your first kit will arrive June 16th.

Click here to learn more about Paper Pumpkin.

Check out my Paper Pumpkin Pinterest board to see all the fun things you can create with Paper Pumpkin kits. View Stampin' Up!'s Paper Pumpkin Videos for instructions on how to assemble these kits. Then view my Paper Pumpkin Videos for instructions on how to make alternate projects with the kits.

Thanks for visiting today!

Check out my creative Stampin' Up!® ideas! Stamp Your Art Out! blog...www.StampYourArtOut.com

 Additional supplies used (besides the contents of the April 2015 Paper Pumpkin kit) to make these projects…

  • pencil
  • masking tape
  • candy


Product List