I am so excited to present to you the second set of my alternate project ideas I came up with using the contents of the March 2017 Bunny Buddies Paper Pumpkin kit. I shared the first half last week. Those projects included a Project Life layout, a way to create your own ears for the bunny bag, ideas for changing the color of the bags, a sachet idea, and bunny "bagalopes."
This is what I have for you in my second set of projects (part 2 of 2)…
- a couple alternate ideas for the bags (wine bottle sack and a mini purse)
- an Easter card idea
- an Easter dinner place card
- an egg carton treat container
- and a bright & cheerful 12×12 traditional scrapbook layout.
Watch the video first to get tips, measurements and directions. Then scroll down to see close-up photos of these projects and a list of extra supplies I used to make them.
Here are close-up photos of the alternate projects that I created from this kit that I shared in the video above. (Click on each picture to see it a bit larger.)
I made this just for the idea of it. You can certainly make one that's more decorative. 🙂
Another quick idea with the bags. Those of you who like to sew may want to stitch the ribbon on instead of just tying it.
Watching video one for tips on centering/lining up the letters with this alphabet stamp set.
Oh! How I love this sweet bunny box. I'll be making a few of these for Easter time.
And these cartons WILL hold real chicken eggs as long as they are small ones.
I love the look of the giant flower. When it comes time to add photos, I'll be placing one inside the giant flower, too.
I hope you like what I share or at least gain some sort of helpful tip to use in your own paper crafting projects.
If you are one of my March Paper Pumpkin kit subscribers, you received my extra exclusive project ideas on April 2nd! I hope you enjoyed them.
Not a subscriber yet? Want to know more about Paper Pumpkin kits and how to get in on the fun? Click here for more information. Or if you are ready to start your own subscription, click here to get signed up by April 10th so you can get the special edition Sara kit as your first one!
“Bold, vibrant, and artistic—with a little bit of sass,” is how Stampin’ Up! CEO Sara Douglass described the kit she designed for the April Paper Pumpkin. Plus every April Paper Pumpkin kit will include a FREE gift! So fun!!!!
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Thanks for checking out the projects I had to share today.
Product List… things you might need/want in addition to the March 2017 Paper Pumpkin kit to make any or all of the projects in the video.
- pencil
- bowl
- eggs/treats for mini egg carton