Fittin’ Them All In

Here's a simple set of pages I made while on my retreat last weekend.The challenge was fitting the zillions of photos in since this spread was a sampler of Luke's 5-year-old year. But with all those photos, it really ...

23 Scrapbook Pages Done!

If you've never been on one, a crafting retreat is one of THE best ways to catch up on your scrapbooking and other crafting projects. I host 2-3 of these each year, and it's amazing how much we all get done. I just returned ...

Candles Galore

I love making cards! This one is the one I made this fall for my dad for his 70th birthday. (We just couldn't fit 70 candles on the small cake, so they HAD to go on the card. Hehehehe)Stamp Your Art Out! ~Rachel Supplies ...

The Perfect Pair

I recently designed this Save the Date card for my brother and his wife-to-be. I LOVED thier idea to use an image of a pear to go with their phrasing. And what is even more awesome is that Stampin' Up! has lots of downloads to ...

Owl In The Family

These little owls are so gosh darn cute! I found the little ones on Becky Robert's blog (and she saw them on Chiaki Haverstick's blog), and I had to copy them to share as well. We made the little treat holder ones on Saturday ...

Pretty Posies For You

 Here is a pretty gift idea. Take the new Stampin' Up! Pop-Up Posies kit and embellish a plain mug. Then fill a cello bag within it with candy, cocoa, soup mix, etc. And tie it off with a gift tag! (Mine has gumballs inside ...

Thinkin’ Spring Bunny Box Tips/Directions

Many of you have commented on the bunny boxes I posted on February 1st, 2013. So I thought I would give you some step-by-step directions to help you in making a few of your own if you wish.Start by die-cutting a full Fancy Favor ...

Twist and Shout – Card Directions

This is the card that my club members are making this weekend.I posted it earlier on my blog, but today I'm going to give a little more detail with step-by-step directions for getting the card started. After cutting your card ...

Leapin’ Lasagna! It’s Mario!

For today's post I decided to go back in time a couple months (to October) and share Nick's, my oldest son's birthday invitation. He's a Mario Bros. fan, so I came up with a punch art design that I thought resembled ...

Can I Flag You Down?

We really loved our Walt Disney World Vacation last spring. (Thank you Stampin' Up!) This will be the cover page for our family album. Luke and Nicholas are posing at the Orlando airport with the statue of Mickey (and gum in their ...

Punch Art Chocolate Kiss

Amazing what thinking outside the box can do - especially when it comes to punches in paper crafting! There are so many clever things that can be made with a few punches. And the punch art sample today is made with just one punch, a ...

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Stamp Your Art Out!
Rachel Tessman
Independent Demonstrator

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In the spirit of full disclosure, I am an affiliate with Stamp-n-Storage which means I may get commissions if you click on links I provide and decide to purchase anything from this company. I love their products and recommend them because I own several myself and believe my readers will benefit from them.



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