Ribbon Shares & the New Catalog!!

The new 2014-15 Catalog is right around the corner!Keep in mind that if you want to save money on ribbons (avoid ordering lots of spools), then sign up for my Ribbon Shares! They will be available very soon. You can certainly ...

Some Awesome Papers Are Leaving

June 1st (tomrorrow) is the last day to order from the Occasions "Celebrations" Catalog. One thing that always bums me out is saying good-bye to great packs of designer paper. (Hopefully you have these. If not, you may want ...

A Little Flair

I love this card that I received as a swap by fellow demonstrator, Brenda Hukriede! (Thanks, Brenda!)The Fringe Scissors and bright summer colors give it a lot of flair and pizzazz. I wanted my customers to recreate it, but I needed ...

New Deals & Products (5/27/14)

 Click on the images or here to check out this week's product deals... Weekly DealsMay 27-June 2, 2014     Click on the images or here to check out this week's newest digital ...

Peaceful Petals Bleached

I'm enjoying spending time with family this Memorial Day weekend. We are up north at the lake, my parent's home in northern Minnesota. And the weather is SURPRISINGLY perfect. So we are enjoying every minute of it and have ...

Retired List Blowout Sale

Just a reminder that hundreds of stamps and accessories from the 2013-2014 Catalog are retiring, and ALL products (accessories AND stamps) are only available through June 4th or while supplies last. PLUS now through June 4th ...

Reminds Me of Lemon Meringue

If a picture is worth a thousand words, than I'm going to be VERY wordy today. Here's a card we made at Stamp Camp last month. It was a little putsy, but Stamp Camp isn't for the timid stamper. And although this card took ...

Retired List Blowout Sale & Paper Pumpkin Offer

It's a good day if you are looking to save money on Stampin' Up! products. Retired List Blowout SaleStarting TODAY, May 22nd through June 4th Stampin' Up!® is offering a 25%-50% discount on many of the retiring ...

Perrrrty Card Done Another Way

The single stamp, Vivid Vases from the Occasions Celebrate Catalog is a very popular one. I have seen many cards that feature this stamp on Pinterest. I'm glad it will remain available after the Occasions Catalog ends. (It will ...

New Deals & Products (5/20/14)

Click here or on the image to see this week's product deals... Weekly DealsMay 20-26, 2014     Click here or on the photo to see this week's newest digital downloads... Newest Digital ...

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Stamp Your Art Out!
Rachel Tessman
Independent Demonstrator

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In the spirit of full disclosure, I am an affiliate with Stamp-n-Storage which means I may get commissions if you click on links I provide and decide to purchase anything from this company. I love their products and recommend them because I own several myself and believe my readers will benefit from them.



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