I’m thrilled to announce that Stamp-n-Storage has some new products for the Ikea Kallax cube shelving units!

I got their 6×6 paper holder a couple months back and haven’t yet painted it to match my Kallax unit. I was waiting for warmer weather so I could spray paint the base coat to seal it before adding my coordinating latex paint. I have to admit, I wasn’t sure if I was going to paint it black and put it on my shelf (shown below) or paint it white and put it elsewhere. I didn’t like all the “wasted space” on the side in my Kallax shelf.

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But look at the wonderful new products Stamp-n-Storage has recently created to fill in the extra space! YIPPEE!

I’m going to get the Paper Holder Add-On which will give me 6 slots for 12×12 paper! And if I get it today through June 4, I can save 10%!!

Yes…NEW products AND just in time for the 10% OFF Spring Sale. ?

  • Sale runs May 28-June 4.
  • 10% off store-wide and FREE Shipping (Domestic U.S. only).
  • New products are included.

Below is a list of the new products (including fillers to put next to the 8.5×11 and/or 6×6 IKEA Paper Holders.)

  • 6×6 Max for IKEA – One unit, paper storage for two sizes…15 6×6 paper slots and 6 12×12 paper slots.
  • 8.5×11 Max for IKEA – One unit…15 slots horizontal and 4 slots vertical.
  • 6×6 Paper Holder Double for IKEA – Two rows of 6×6 Paper for a total of 30 slots.
  • Paper Holder Add-On – Those who already have a 8.5×11 or 6×6 Paper Holder for IKEA can now choose a 8.5×11 or 12×12 Add-On. These are stand-alone units that slide next to a 6×6 or 8.5×11 Paper Holder for IKEA.
    • An 8.5×11 and 12×12 Add-On for a 6×6 Paper Holder for IKEA offers 6 slots.
    • An 8.5×11 and 12×12 Add-On for a 8.5×11 Paper Holder for IKEA offers 3 slots.
  • Marker Nook for 6×6 IKEA – A new Marker Nook that fits next to the 6×6 Paper Holder for IKEA.
