Yesterday was a big day for my husband Tim.

Two years ago he was diagnosed with an Acoustic Neuroma. This benign tumor in his ear canal was 1.7 cm in diameter when it was first discovered. It’s fairly close to his brain, but the doctors assured him that any growth would be slow and that the best thing to do at that point was come back in six months to do a follow up MRI & take another measurement. He was given a lot of information and was encouraged to prepare himself for the changes happening now and any possible changes if a surgical removal would have to be done in the future. It was a tough adjustment planning for the what-if’s.
He had that follow up MRI a in the fall of 2021 and another this past December 2022. Each MRI showed just a small amount of growth. But small amounts of growth each year can add up and eventually cause larger problems being that it’s so close to the brain.
Removing a tumor like this surgically usually ends up in having to remove everything around it resulting in a permanent loss of hearing in one ear (and even a loss of balance for a bit of time). So after this second follow-up MRI the neurosurgeons recommended trying radiation therapy to attempt to stop the growth and even possibly shrink it.
That Gamma Knife Surgery took place yesterday. We woke at 3:30 AM to get to the hospital and start prepping by 5 AM. It was an outpatient procedure getting us home by noon. But it was quite the adventure.

Look up Gamma Knife Surgery to see and learn more about the lovely contraption that had to be connected to Tim’s head in order for absolutely NO motion to occur during this 48-minute surgery. It looks like it’s something from the sixteen or seventeen hundreds – almost barbaric. But the titanium rods that connect to the bones of his scull are super thin and there is a lot of numbing medicine used.
He said there was a bit of pain when it was first connected, but this is a photo I took during the wait time. He was sleeping soundly. So though it was awkward, he was comfortable enough to rest fully. In fact recovering at home is only requiring over-the-counter Tylenol, rest, and bandages on the four points where the rods went in.
We were told everything went well. So that’s good news! Tim goes back in a year to see if this treatment worked. We are hoping that it will put a stop on any more growth and possibly shrink his Acoustic Neuroma. So we welcome any prayers or positive thoughts you can send his way. Our hope is that this will postpone if not take away the chance of any future surgery. How wonderful it would be if his hearing loss didn’t get any worse and there would be no need for future invasive procedures.

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sending many prayers.
Thanks Ranese.
Sending good thoughts and prayers for your husband’s quick recovery and good outcomes.
Thanks Penny!
Hope this treatment is successful for your husband. We will keep him in our prayers.
Thanks so much Shannon.
Think positive. He will rock this. Tough times for sure. Sending prayers❤️
Thank you Gill!
been through a lot with the gamma knife experience with my husband. thank goodness for such smart people God has created to care for those we want to spend more time with. storming heaven for all.of you.
So true. We all rely on each other. Thank you for your blessings and prayers. Hope your husband is doing well Karen.
Hope speedy recovery for your husband Tim, keep a positive mind and soul with peace. Could get support agency for loss hearing in future. 🙏💐
Yes, thank you Ilana! 🦋
Prayers for Tim and you during all of this. God is so good and his mercy is always with us.
Thank you Katherine!
Sending good thoughts and prayers because this does sound scary. You are in my thoughts 💛Maxie
Thank you so much Maxie.
Praying for your husband and your family🙏
thank you so much Diane.
God bless your husband and you. Prayers for a full recovery.
Thanks Wendie!
Sending prayers for Tim, your family and Tim’s medical team. So grateful that we are blessed with such wonderful medical technology! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💕💕💕
So true. Medicine that can take away pain is one of the most amazing modern age blessings right?! thanks for your prayers Pauline.
Wow, that is a scary thing to be dealing with. I hope his recovery goes well. Thinking of you and your family.
Thanks so much Valerie!
Thank you for sharing yhr post about your husband’s Condition and procedure. Sending healing thoughts to him and hoping it works out that he has no more hearing loss and no more growth. my husband has also been diagnosed with having an acoustic neuroma and suffers from constant ear ringing, facial pain, brain fog, fatigue, etc etc. he feels like he has the flu every day and every doctors says something different. I’m wondering if your husband had similar symptoms??
Big hugs to you (and your husband) Donna. The first thing the doctor said to Tim when he was diagnosed is “first of all, you are going to be okay.” This helped. He still suffered from a bit of anxiety from time to time though. The possibility of losing hearing on one side is not what anyone wants to experience. But thankfully we live in a day and age where there are options and help. Tim and I wonder if some of what your husband is going through is physical symptoms of the anxiety and fear of the what if’s.
Sending prayers for continued healing 🙏🙏
Thanks so much Nancy.
Wow! It’s amazing what they can do now in the medical field, isn’t it? Praying for a complete healing.
Thanks so much Jan. Yes, we are grateful for the day and age we live in.
You never know what’s going on in someone else’s life. Thanks for sharing, Rachel. Prayers and vibes are on their way.
Thank you Linda. Hugs to you.
Sending you hugs and love and prayers for your hubby and your family. I stand in agreement with you for complete healing. Amen!
Thanks Genevieve. ❤️
Oh Rachel…I don’t recall you talking about this at all…
Your a strong woman…. God bless you both and Praise God he got thru this so well….
I appreciate your kind words, Diana. Thank you
I am relieved to hear the procedure went well. I pray the outcome is positive. Time for rest and recovery. May God’s will be a complete recovery. You are so brave to share.
Thank you Lori. 😘
Wishing a full recovery and quick healing time, and all the best in the future. Its weird because during your live on Wednesday, I was wondering how he was doing with his ear! Glad all went well.
There was so much news to share with new products and color change announcements that I didn’t want to put a damper on all of that. Thanks Donna.
Prayers for your husband. I also will pray for you and your family. Take care.
Thank you Brenda!
I am so sorry to hear about you and your husband’s trials. One would never know it watching you doing your fabulous tutorials with your beautiful smile. But I know the feeling to be terrified inside while having to go on about your daily business. Sometimes the distraction helps. Sending healing prayers for your husband and hugs to all of you!
Yes, that’s just it. It’s better to keep enjoying life as it happens than to dwell on the negatives. Happy distracting thoughts are good. Thanks for the hugs and prayers Pamela.
sending love and prayers for a complete and speedy recovery.
God is our great physician and he will see
Tim through this recovery period.
Just put your trust in his hands.
Thank you so much June 😘
Love and prayers for a quick recovery for Tim, and a successful procedure for no more growth. Thank you for sharing your concerns.
Thanks Lettie.
Sending healing prayers for you and your family. God Bless.
Thank you Christine!
Prayers for your family and healing for Tim. My husband had a brain bleed o December 13, 2013. The brain bleed was caused by an AVM. He had another AVM on his brain and he had the gamma knife radiation. It shrunk the AVM. Lots of prayers that the gamma knife radiation works for Tim too.
Good news that it helped your husbands AVM! Thank you for sharing and for the prayers Glenda.
Hugs and prayers for your husband, you and your family.
Thank you Sharlene. 🦋
You and your family are such an inspiration! You folks have been dealing with so much! Thank you so much for sharing with us and allowing us to share in the carrying of you so you can see, no footprints in the sand! I know you will feel the arms and hearts of so many and know that you can count on many to be there for you. Please know it is okay to take time for yourselves whenever you need to! Prayers of healing, strength and peace of trust and assurance of the Love of God and all of those around you, near and far! BIG HUGS TO YOU ALL, may you feel the power of His arms wrapped around you through those that care and love you! Prayers today and going forward!
Aww…your sweet words brought a few tears to my eyes. The reassurance that it’s okay to take time for us was sweet. But there is also the blessings that come with keeping busy and distracted. We all have things we are going through and dealing with, so I appreciate you taking the time to send your kind words and prayers Brandi.
Praying for your husband and for you, as you take care of him.🙏🙏🙏
Thank you very much Barbara.
Rachel and Tim, Prayers for his healing, hearing and growth stopping!
Thanks Carol.
Prayers for you all and positive thoughts for the healing process. Stay strong.
Thank you Pam! 🦋
Prayers for you and your family!
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Thank you Janice.
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Praying for your husband. May God heal his ear and soothe the side effects. May He also bless you and give you and your sons peace about this condition.
Thank you Andrea. 😘
Prayers for continued strength and healing!! I did my “research/talk” at school on acoustic neuromas. They have come a long way! Blessings to you, Tim and the boys❤️🩹
Thanks so much Michelle. Why did you choose that topic? Just curious.
Thank you for letting us know. We will continue to pray for Tim, you and the boys.
Thanks so much Annette!
I’m sending healing prayers for Tim and for you as well. I wish Tim a full recovery and that the procedure eradicates the neuroma once and for all.
~ Be Strong
I have worsening tinnitus and had an MRI this winter to see if I had an acoustic neuroma, none was found.
I’m so glad to hear that you don’t have one. Hopefully you will get answers about your tinnitus soon. Thank you for the prayers Diane.
Lifting all of you up in prayer through this difficult journey.
Thank you Barb.
Praying for a quick recovery and that they have irradiated this growth.
Think positive!
Thanks so much Toni!
I am so sorry you have had to go through this. I’ve had to deal with a lot of medical stuff, but nothing as invasive as this, so while I can sympathize, I know I have no idea how hard this has been for you both! It’s great that you’re comfotable being so open about your experience. I think it’s really important that people know others go through similar difficulties so they don’t feel so alone when it happes to them. All sorts of healing thoughts and intentions to you! Keep in mind that there’s a dangerous tendency to under treat pain right now, so if he needs something more than tylenol, do not hesitate to let his doctors know. It’s important and there is *no* virtue in sustaining unnecessary pain. Pain can cause damage, dangerous side effects, and impair healing. I know you’re probably on top of it, but I also know there’s a lot of pain shaming and a paranoia when it comes to very necessary pain control. Post-surgical pain can be intense. I know from experience. Hopefully his won’t get severe, but never suffer in silence. It does no one any good. Lots of comfort to you both! Hoping the hardest part is behind you!
Thank you Veronica. I believe that the internet has indeed helped us with support and the knowledge that we are not alone in our struggles. Thanks for the advice about pain. We are watching the injection sites and have been coached on what to look for. Thankfully I don’t have a husband who tries to hide his struggles. Some men can get that way and then all of a sudden a problem is worse than it could’ve been. So I hear what you are saying.
MY prayers are with you and your hubby as you go through this time of healing and hope for full recovery! You are an incredible inspiration to all of us and especially to your loved ones.
Thank you so much Sherrie. ❤️
Sending prayers and good vibes for your husband for a speedy recovery and for you for relief from worry.
Thank you so much Annette!
Sending healing light and love to Tim and you and family. May his recovery be speedy and all goes as you pray for 💞
Thank you Vivienne!
Prayers to you both and for your Tim’s full recovery! I would have never known the stress you have been under with your always upbeat attitude and calmness on videos!
Thank you for sharing this awe inspiring, personal story Rachel. Your family stories always warm my heart and this one especially. Praises Tim did well with his intense looking gamma procedure. Big hugs and prayers for all of you and his medical team now and in the future 🙏
Aww…thank you Laurie. We all go through things. But I had been holding back on sharing this update until we got through the hard part.
Thanks Sandy. 😘❤️
I am so very sorry that you all are going through this. I can’t imagine. Wishing you all love, peace and prayers 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank you Paula!
best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Prayers for you and your family, and Tim’s care team.
Thanks Jamie!❤️
Thank you so much Lydia!
Wow! You know exactly who to turn to in times of need. God is the great healer. Your friends near and far can hold up Tim in prayer. I just added him to my prayer book. God is good. Your community of believers will hold him up. I pray for a miracle.
Yes, it’s amazing all the positive thoughts, warm comments, prayers and well wishes that have come about since I posted this morning. And thank YOU Cindy. 😘
sending prayers for Tim and your family.
Hugs to you Katie!
Sending prayers for a speedy recovery!! If i lived closer I would bring you dinner!! God Bless and please keep us all updated!!
And we would welcome it! Thank you for the kind thought though. (We did take out last night…lol) Hugs to you Cindy.
Praying for Tim’s complete healing and strength for you all as you support one another.
Thank you Maria!
Sending prayers for a good recovery and healing for both of you and your family.
Thanks so much Linda!
Rachel & Tim,
So sorry to hear of the health issues but so glad to hear all went well so far. Prayers and our thoughts are with you and the boys. Hopefully recovery will be swift and permanent. Thank you so much for sharing this with your friends and Stampin Up family.
I appreciate your kind words, Kat. Thank you so much!
Sending prayers for Tim and for your family. We hope for the best outcome.
Thanks Mary Alice ❤️
Prayers for all of you.
Thank you Jean!
My prayers go out to Tim for complete recovery and to you and your family for peace and assurance God is fully at work on your behalf.
Oh thank you Jacque. Hugs to you!
Sending loads of prayers!
Thanks Dorothy!
Prayers for Tim’s recovery 🙏
Thanks Eva!
Wow, that is quite the ordeal and procedure he went through. You both must be relieved it is over. Continued prayers for a full recovery and a healthy road ahead. Wishing you all the best.
Thank you so much Gail! 🦋
Many prayers for his recovery.🙏🏻
Thanks Tess!
Sending HUGS and prayers for a speedy recovery
Thanks Cheryl!
Rachel, that is good news to hear that everything went well with the procedure. I will be praying for Tim and for complete recovery ahead. Also praying for you your boys as you walk through this together.
Oh so kind of you. Thanks Darlene.
Sending Prayers and lots of hugs for Tim and your family.
Thank you Irene!
Sending healing thoughts to you both! My coworker had the same exact surgery, and has done marvelous since then. He now has what I would call almost a cochlear implant, and has hearing in the ear that he had lost it in. It took a couple more small surgeries, with implanting a post, for the device to hook to, but he is completely back to swimming daily, and just this year once again swam the Chesapeake Bay annual swim challenge. So while it takes a little bit of time to recover, Tim seems like he is healthy, young, and I am betting will heal remarkably well!
Thanks so much Cathy! We appreciate you sharing the story of your co-worker, too! 😘
So sorry to hear about your husband’s illness. As his caregiver please take care of yourself.
Thanks Mary Jo! ❤️
Wishing Tim all good results from his surgery. Such scary times, I’m sure. Grace and peace to all the family.
Thank you so much Anita.
Sending healing wishes to your hubby! Thx for sharing his story and journey. Stay strong 😀 – from a huge Rachel fan in CA
😘 Thanks KT
Sending positive thoughts and prayers for Tim.
Thank you so much Maria!
Healing prayers coming Tim’s way!
Thanks Sue!
Sending up prayers!🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank you Fern. 😘
So very scary, for not only your husband, but for all of you!
Sending up prayers for your family!
Thank you Cliffie.
Prayers for both of you! There is power in prayer!
Thanks Cherie. 🦋
Many prayers for your husband, you and your sons!
Thanks so much Marylu!
Wishing you all the best and sending healing prayers that this procedure was effective in every way possible
Appreciate your prayers, Janet!
So sorry your husband has to go through this. I do know one other person who’s also having the Gamma Knife radiation treatment for a brain tumor. Before that I had never heard of it. I’ll be praying for a quick recovery from this surgery and that the radiation works and no further treatment is needed. 🙏🏻
Thank you Melody. And prayers for the one you know. 🙏🏼
Prayers for Tim and your family!
Thank you so much Janelle.
Keeping your husband in my prayers and hoping this procedure did what it was supposed to do. Glad to hear he is home resting 🫶🏼
Thanks Ladi Michael. Hugs to you!
Glad to hear he doing well. Sending you and everyone prayers for a speedy recovery.
Thanks Linda!
Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way.
Thank you Kathy 😘
Thanks for letting us all know how everything went—Wishing him a speedy recovery. Did look that surgery up and read of it. Hugs and prayers are sent your way for both of you—:):):)
Thanks Donna.
Praying this is the all-with-all for no future problems. Praying for Tim’s recovery. Praying the Lord to give you his peace and calm through all this too!
Aww…thank you Cheryl. ❤️
Hello Rachel, thank you for transparency in dealing with this ordeal. I am absolutely praying for Tim’s full recovery and restoration along with praying for you as that it can be tough as a caregiver and seeing the one you love got through health concerns. Praying for a full hedge of protection, peace and strength during this recovery period.
You’re sweet. Thanks so very much Nedine.
Rachel, praying that everything will go well for your husband. Praying for you and your family 🙏
Thanks so much Barb.
Just read this. I am praying for you and your husband. You have a blessed family and I know the Lord is with you and will watch over you all. May He bless you and keep you safe. Big hugs too!
Thank you so much Carole!
Many prayers and hugs for all of you!!!
Thank you Judi ❤️
Sending many prayers and much love to you and your husband! May he recover 100% and very quickly and without any complications. May you all be Blessed!💕🙏💕
Sending hugs and prayers that your husband heals! Blessings!
Thank you so much Gwen ❤️
My prayers and thoughts are with all your family. With the blessings of Our Lord may Tim’s recovery be a speedy one. Take good care of him, as I’m certain you will Rachel.
Hugs of thanks to you Sue.
Sending prayers to both you and your husband, Rachel. Keep your positive thoughts and you will do great! I work in Radiation Therapy and am confident the treatment will work wonders for Tim and his condition.
Thanks for the reassurance and prayers, Kim!
Sending healing prayers for a complete recovery ❤️🩹
Thanks so much Jennifer. ❤️
Hugs! Thank you for sharing your husband’s procedure and progress. I have added both of you to my prayer list.
We appreciate that Carolee. 😘
Rachel, I’m so glad that your husbands surgery went well and he is recovering at home. I pray that he will never have to go through that again.
I know how stressful it can be to have your loved one go under the knife and not know how things will turn out. But when you give it all to the Lord, you know your loved one is in good hands,
My husband will be having major surgery on April 5th so I completely understand what you went through. I am already feeling the stress but trying to give all the worry to the Lord.
I’ll be praying for your husband’s recovery.
Thank you Bea. And I’ll be praying for your husband and you. Sending hugs too! Yes, stay positive.
Thoughts and prayers for a successful outcome for Tim, and comfort and peace to you and your family during this stressful time.
Thank you Sandi.
My husband was diagnosed with this same condition about three years ago when the hearing in his left ear was for all good purposes gone. He has been getting MRI’s since and there has not been any significant growth. I thank God this is not a cancer and we can deal with the loss of hearing. Thank you for posting this since if there is a change, we’ll have an idea of what’s ahead for him. I pray that Tim will continue to get better and that the treatment was a success. You are both in my prayers.
Aww…I’m sending you big hugs of empathy. Yes, so true…thank goodness this is not a cancer and there are medical options and wonderful technology in this day and age.
I am so glad that your husband is improving . Praying that you both are given the strength to get through this ordeal and that the treatment is successful. Sending healing vibes.
Thank you so much Dianne!
sending healing prayers to you and your family. it just goes to show that people have things going on in their lives that nobody else knows about. at least I didn’t. I watch your videos all the time and you are amazing.
😘 Thank you Bonnie. Big hugs to you. We appreciate your prayers.
Wonderful news! Sending prayers for you, Tim, and your family!! So happy to hear of yet another success using this technology. We are all so blessed by modern medical advances… the bright lights in our healthcare system. Prayers for Tim’s continued, wonderful prognosis and progress!!!
Thanks Barb. We are definitely blessed to be living in this day and age!
hope you’re all doing good. I’ve been praying for you all as a family. also wishing Tim a fast recovery. 🙏 🤟
Thanks for the prayers Theresa. He’s recovering and doing well.
Sending you and your husband Tim healing Prayers. I know it has to be tough on you and your sons too. Praying for the best outcome and no hearing loss. What an awful looking contraption to keep his head from moving but thankful for it too. GOD Bless you both and your amazing family. I SO enjoy following you & love your videos too. Sending big hugs from AZ too!
Sending big hugs back Judy! Thank you for the kind words and prayers. We appreciate it ❤️
BIG HUGS to you and Tim! We will pray for him, that the Lord be glorified with us prayers.
Thank you so much Thérèse.