If you haven't gotten your Paper Pumpkin kit, then it's on its way! Check out this "how to" video from Stampin' Up!…


I'm looking forward to "thinking outside the box" with this kit, but I may also have to make a few of the adorable bags for my boys' teacher gifts.

For those of you that aren't familiar with these fun Paper Pumpkin kits of creativity, these are all-inclusive kits for paper crafting that come to you in the mail each month for $18-20 plus tax (depending how you purchase them). Inside the kits you get pre-cut and scored cardstock, envelopes (if necessary), embellishments, special adhesives, exclusive stamps, mini ink pads and a direction brochure.

I love to think outside the box and create with the contents of the kits to come up with different kinds of projects. I call them "alternate ideas." Then I share these ideas here on my blog, on YouTube (tutorial videos), and on Pinterest. Feel free to click here to learn more about how you can get started with your own Paper Pumpkin kits and what perks I give to my subscribers. You can also find links to all my past posts – projects I've created with each and every kit since they first came out.

Paper Pumpkin kits of creativity! I love to think outside the Paper Pumpkin box and share my alternate ideas in videos, on Pinterest and on my blog. After seeing what I create, you may have to get your hands on these crafting kits, too!… #stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

To see what I created with last month's kit…December 2015 kit: One Great Year, click here.


I find it amazing that even after I have finished the intended projects, I still have leftovers to keep using.

You still have lots of leftover pieces after making the calendar in the December 2015 One Great Year kit so you can use them in other projects. In fact, every Paper Pumpkin kit usually has extra left over pieces. Too fun!…#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Here is a glimpse of what fellow demonstrator and dear friend, Susan Campfield whipped up with the leftovers of her last month's December 2015 kit. I hadn't shared these yet. Aren't they adorable?! Susan is one of the 13 members in my Paper Pumpkin Gurus group. (It is the collective creativity from this group that gives me the ability to share all those exclusive projects  with my personal subscribers.)

Look at what Susan made with the leftover pieces from her December 2015 One Great Year Paper Pumpkin calendar kit!…#stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

If you want to get in on the fun, click here to get started or contact me and I will help get you set up. There is absolutely NO OBLIGATION. You can get even just one kit and then cancel if you find it's just not for you. You can also take months off. Yep! So you can just pick and choose which months you want to get your kits by just putting your subscription on hold during any month/s you choose.

AND…right now through March 31, 2016 you can get in on the 3-month or 12-month prepaid special!

Earn free Sale-A-Bration products when you purchase a Prepaid Paper Pumpkin subscription!… #stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Earn free Sale-A-Bration products when you purchase a Prepaid Paper Pumpkin subscription!… #stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Earn free Sale-A-Bration products when you purchase a Prepaid Paper Pumpkin subscription!… #stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to see the process of ordering and redeeming pre-paid subscriptions.

If you want to get the February kit which will mail out mid-February (because the January one shown in the video has already shipped), be sure to sign up by the 10th of February! I wonder what that one will have in it!

Check out my creative Stampin' Up!® ideas! Stamp Your Art Out! blog...www.StampYourArtOut.com



Click here to learn about how you can earn free products during the BEST time of the Stampin' Up! year.

Get in on Stampin’ Up!’s 2016 Sale-A-Bration – get a free Sale-A-Bration item with each $50+ order, get extra Stampin’ Rewards at the $250+ level and get $30 extra free with your starter kit!… #stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Click here to order your Demonstrator Starter Kit today.

Join the Stampers With Art Community of Stampin’ Up! Demonstrators… #stampyourartout #stampinup - Stampin’ Up!® - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com