We were up at my parents' place these past few days. And they have their calendar that I made for them as a Christmas gift hanging in a very prominant spot. I noticed it every time I helped in the kitchen. I then realized that I had better get a head start on my 2014 calendar gifts soon, because EVERY year I am down to the wire trying to gather up all the photos I need and trying to get the designing done all at the same time that I am working on my Christmas cards, baking, shopping, wrapping, etc. So! On that note, you may now be thinking the same thing – YOU may be wanting to get a head start on YOUR calendars. The great thing about digital calendars is you can make one for yourself AND give it to both sets of grandparents but only design it ONCE. 🙂
For today's blog post, I am sharing with you the layouts I made for last year's gift (the 2013 calendar layouts). This way, you may get inspired for YOUR digital calendar page layouts.
If you don't have a digital design program, you should seriously consider the My Digital Studio program. You don't have to be online to design with it since once it's on your computer, it's YOURS. I just finished my album from our trip to Fiji and found that the best times for me to work on it were during plane rides and long car rides (when my husband did the driving). It's $19.95 (disc or download) for the software loaded with digital content to get you started right away in your designing. Extra downloads are sold separately so you can pick and choose what elements you like best. You can even try it out FREE (no tax, no shipping) for 30 days, so you can see if you like it!
It's amazing how much kids grow in a year, right?
Stamp Your Art Out! ~Rachel