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Rachel Tessman
Independent Stampin' Up!

From My Blog

Thinkin’ Spring

Brrrrrr! We've had some bone-chilling days here in Minnesota lately. In fact yesterday at 2 in the afternoon it got up to 1 degree. So thankfully in planning my February What To Give class project, I was able to focus on Spring. And it made me feel a few ...

What?! It’s Vertical!

Every so often I come across scrapbook pages that make the viewer have to turn an album 45 degrees to view them. So I decided to create a vertical spread myself for my scrapbook club members to make in February!Inserting a vertical spread into your album is a ...

I'm super excited! My first 'official' post on my new blog will launch tomorrow morning. I'm giddy, elated, impressed that I figured out how to do what I've done so far, hahaha... bookmark: or better yet, make my blog one ...

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Rachel Tessman

Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator