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Rachel Tessman Profile (Round)

Rachel Tessman
Independent Stampin' Up!

From My Blog

Congrats Grads!

Card Café is almost here! I love this event. My customers come and make lots and lots of cards. They have 14 to choose from. And they can pick whichever they want when they come! Here is one of the cards that they can make. Thank you Jennifer Blomquist for this ...

Ribbon Shares Are Here!!

Ever wanted many ribbons in lots of colors, but couldn't justify getting so many individual rolls? Then you need to go in on a 'ribbon share!'  Here's how it works: * Ribbon is ordered when enough people (5-6) participate in the share ...

Soho Subway

There are fabulous new designer paper sets in the New 2013-14 Catalog. One of my favorites is called Soho Subway.It's artsy, modern, eye-catching and works well with BOTH masculine and feminine designs. Thankfully it was something I could preorder before ...

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Rachel Tessman

Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator