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Rachel Tessman
Independent Stampin' Up!

From My Blog

Love, Santa Tag Kit Altered

Love, Santa Tag Kit Altered

I altered another kit! I took the supplies from the Love, Santa Tag Kit (which makes 12 tags) and created twenty-four cards. Too fun! So if you love this kit, you may want to purchase one or two and make all of this year's Christmas cards with it.Currently as ...
OnStage November 2022 Vienna, Austria

OnStage November 2022 Vienna, Austria

Stampin' Up!'s big convention, OnStage just ended. The "live" location - a 3-day (Thursday-Saturday) event led by CEO Sara Douglass & her mom and co-founder Shelli Gardner - was in Vienna, Austria this year. And other "local" OnStage 1-day events were held ...
New Products & Seasonal Sale!

New Products & Seasonal Sale!

Stampin' Up!'s big annual convention just ended and I'm in the midst of choosing photos to share so I can get a blog post about that up soon. But I wanted to quickly share some news about two new kits and an upcoming sale so you can plan for any possible ...

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Rachel Tessman

Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator