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Rachel Tessman Profile (Round)

Rachel Tessman
Independent Stampin' Up!

From My Blog

It’s Tradition

We try to make it up to Northern Minnesota to my parents' place (the cabin) every 4th of July, and this year was no exception. We didn't get in much swimming, though. If the wind wasn't blowing hard, then it was cloudy and the flies were biting. But, ...

Markers As Stamp Pads

When I first started stamping, I invested in ALL of the markers FIRST and built my collection of ink pads later. Markers are less expensive, they have 2 writing tips, and the brush tip can act as a stamp pad by using the side of the brush tip and coloring on the ...

Want to Take Classes Online?

Stampin' Up! now offers Online Classes. You purchase the class and it comes to you through your email. How cool is that! These comprehensive classes offer education and inspiration, including dozens of project ideas, detailed instructions, full-color photos, ...

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Rachel Tessman

Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator