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Rachel Tessman
Independent Stampin' Up!

From My Blog

CASED from Pinterest

Thank you Kirsteen Gill for posting your fabulous Halloween card idea on Pinterest. Layering vellum for a haunting sky?! Genius!! Here's my version of her card (closed).Close ups, too.But wait! There's more. When you shine light BEHIND the vellum ...

Lovin’ the New Holiday Catalog

Last year I was YEARNING for more "star" products. This year I am in heaven - or at least the Milky Way. 😉 These are just a few star products that are now in the 2014-15 Annual Catalog... Be The Star stamp setHearts and Stars decorative masksItty Bitty ...

Wish Big Nugget Wrap – 50% End Soon!

I can't contain myself! Look how adorable these are!! And you can make 24 of these Hersey's Nugget holders from one Wish Big Paper Pumpkin kit and still have TONS of supplies left over for making more goodies. Already have this kit and want more? Current ...

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Rachel Tessman

Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator