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Rachel Tessman
Independent Stampin' Up!

From My Blog

Tin Of Cards – So Many Card Design Possibilities

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in some time. Everything is fine here, it's just been extremely busy. I had my week & weekend of stamping classes/events/meetings, two big family events (a day at the fair and a big birthday party - one year for ...

Hanging Fuschia 3-D Floral Easel Card

Verla Carpenter has done it again! Look at this gorgeous 3-D card that she sent me.And it's an easel card so it can stay on display on my table. I love it!She even spritzed it with some sparkly stuff...Sheer Shimmer Spritz by Imagine Crafts.To make ...

2015 Holiday Catalog Sneak Peek – Acorn Easel Card

We played "Would you rather..." last night at the supper table. One of the questions was, "Would you rather wear an outfit made of acorns or one made of banana peels?" So how fitting that my card that I was going to share next was this ...

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Rachel Tessman

Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator