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Rachel Tessman
Independent Stampin' Up!

From My Blog

Celebrating Tim’s New Job

Celebrating Tim’s New Job

My husband landed a new job in October! And I'm so excited that I'm able to share that good news now. (Didn't want to jinx anything by sharing too was very devoted to his former employer. He had been with them since graduating college. Putting ...
Painted Harvest Card I CASEd & Had to Share

Painted Harvest Card I CASEd & Had to Share

CASEd is a term many of us use in the paper crafting world. It stands for Copy And Share Everything. So when we like a project design by another and we either completely copy it or change it only slightly and make a version of it, we let others know that we did ...
Stamparatus Reservation Window is Now Open

Stamparatus Reservation Window is Now Open

Did you see the incredible new tool that Stampin' Up! is bringing forth to us paper crafters?! It’s an amazing positioning tool that will allow you to get your images exactly where you want them.If you've been excited about this tool, but missed the first ...

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Rachel Tessman

Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator