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Rachel Tessman
Independent Stampin' Up!

From My Blog

January 2021 Sending Hearts PP Kit Alternate Ideas

January 2021 Sending Hearts PP Kit Alternate Ideas

What a fun love-themed Paper Pumpkin kit! I just put together my first set of alternate projects using the January 2021 Sending Hearts Paper Pumpkin monthly subscription kit! And I’m excited to share them with you today! This adorable kit contained the supplies ...
Angled Corner Layer Valentine

Angled Corner Layer Valentine

Cutting a 6x6 piece of designer paper in the way that I'm going to share with you today makes it SOOOoo easy to give your cards that fun angled corner layer without waste. I used to just add a rectangular layer at an angle and trim up the excess on the two sides, ...
Hearts & Kisses Galentine Gifts

Hearts & Kisses Galentine Gifts

I'll be seeing nine of my crafting friends next week and decided to give them each a small gift. I searched on Amazon and found this set of ten Ellen Tracy Lip Glosses: ...

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Rachel Tessman

Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator