Ever have one of those weeks?
I have to apologize…I recorded my December Paper Pumpkin video of alternate ideas this past Tuesday and was planning to post it (share it on YouTube and here on my blog) by Friday or Saturday. But on Wednesday morning, the next day I upgraded iMovie on my computer. And from that small mistake on I spent 3 days working with an expert at Apple support because of all the damage that was created from the upgrade. Lots of tears were shed, and (long story short)… I have to start from scratch again. My video will be late this month. In fact those of you who subscribe to My Paper Pumpkin may receive your January kit before you see my December video.
Then of course I had to get a cold on top of it all. Trying to work on it posting something fun today with tissues and Dayquil in hand. Thank you for your understanding.
Sometimes life gives us many obstacles to overcome! Your videos are worth waiting for! Feel better soon!
You are sweet. Thanks, Joy!
I am so relieved to see your post. I was worried about you. A computer glitch and a cold don’t come close to my imagination. Hope you feel better. I know we’ll like the video whenever you get to it!
Thanks for making me feel loved, Pat. I’ll try not to let so much time pass next time. 😉