Last night we had a baby shower for my brother and his wife who are expecting their first child – a baby girl! A girl! A girl! A girl!!! My mom and dad currently have 5 grandsons and no granddaughters. So we are excited, to say the least.
Here are the invites I made. (I added more photos of the details for this card at the bottom of this post.)
I'm so glad Bob and Micala approved of them, because the invites coordinated nicely with Stampin' Up!'s Calypso Coral Celebrations Add-On Kit. I used parts of this kit and parts of the Celebrations Basics Kit to decorate the house: the "celebrate" banner (I had already used up the base banner pieces that came in the Basics kit, so I made my own from Calypso Coral, Crisp Cantaloupe, and Blackberry Bliss card stock),…
…the garlands, the bags that held gifts for the dice game,…
…and some of the extra garland trimmed into raindrops for the table center-piece area.
My mom helped out tremendously in so many ways!
We decided to save some money and make our own cupcakes. I'm glad we did, because we had a blast decorating them, and we joked that we should start up our own cupcake store.
Aren't they just so pretty!?
Everyone seemed to enjoy them including the daddy and mommy-to-be, Bob and Micala.
Auntie Pam, Tracy and Katy were kind enough to pose with thier cupcakes, too. (Love the photo bomb, Dave!)
Look at all the food! My mom made most of it, but we had other family members that contributed to the feast.
It was quite the well-attended event. Aunts and uncles,…
…cousins' kiddos,…
…cousins, and…
…the really SILLY cousins came to celebrate!
Bob and Micala were showered with gifts, hugs and well wishes. The big arrival date is supposed to be mid-August, but Micala says their little baby girl may certainly make her arrival any day now if she so wishes.
Whenever she arrives, I just pray that all goes well and that mommy and baby come through this all healthy and well. (Feel free to email or leave your a comment below to send your well wishes, too. And I will certainly pass them along to Bob and Micala.)
Here are a few photos to show how I made the invitations.
I used our Fringe Scissors and cut four pieces of 1-1/2" x 4-1/4" card stock for each invite.
Then I added them to the front of the invites. I found that Fast Fuse was the best adhesive for this (even though I have SNAIL shown in this photo).
I stamped the Whisper White 3" x 4-1/4" pieces.
Then I assembled all of them! Ribbon and rhinestones were the "must have" finishing touches.
Thank you for visiting today!
Product List for the Invitation
WOW – that’s so super! All your hard work with the invites and the decorations turned about beautifully! And I love the fun family photos! Thanks for a Monday smile!!
Thanks, Carol! The photo with the guys is still cracking me up this morning.
Rachel – the invites and cupcakes are gorgeous and delicious looking. The party looks like fun. Will keep everyone in my prayers for a healthy and safe delivery. So exciting!
Thanks so much, Meg!