During Spring Break we transformed the boys' shared bedroom and toy room into two separate bedrooms. And oh my goodness! Do they love it?! They each have a section of the house to call their own. They don't fight over who makes messes anymore. AND (now this may not last forever, but…) they keep their rooms clean!!

We planned for several months, so we could do them "right" and spread out our spending. Our hard work paid off! The new painted walls have to "cure," though. So we can't yet put up the wall decals. A bummer since the decals are what really will give the rooms their finished and themed look. But we are being very patient. I have "BEFORE" and "ALMOST DONE" photos to show you.

Getting New Rooms! Puzzles turned into wall art. - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com_9223


Luke's Room BEFORE Photos:

Getting New Rooms! - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

We painted one wall with glittered black paint (hence the splotches from the reflecting flash of the camera).

Getting New Rooms! Making a bed from Ikea Expedit shelf units and bed slats - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

We also transformed Ikea furniture (2 Expedit shelf units & Sultan Lade bed slat) into a bed with plenty of storage (Skubb boxes) thanks to this post on Ikeahackers.net.

Getting New Rooms! Making a bed from Ikea Expedit shelf units and bed slats - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Getting New Rooms! A useless closet can be a reading nook - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Luke's closet (which was always useless as a closet) is now his private reading area.


Luke's "Star Wars" Room ALMOST DONE Photos:

Getting New Rooms! A useless closet can be a reading nook - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Getting New Rooms! Love that lightswitch! - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

We added a mirror on the door, installed the Star Wars light switch plate, and started bringing in the rest of the furniture.

Getting New Rooms! New Ikeahackers bed with storage and waiting for paint to cure so we can put up our Death Star Fathead. - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Getting New Rooms! Luke's small room posed many challenges. Good thing we mapped it out on grid paper first. - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

The boys did a great job splitting up who would keep what in their rooms. We even split up the t-shirts with no problems! (Luke loves everything!…even his newly painted black dresser.)

Getting New Rooms! The Star Wars room has black and white furnture. The Mario one has "wood" colored furniture. - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com


Nick's Room BEFORE Photos:

Getting New Rooms! Pack up clothes and toys neatly (and pack a week's worth of clothes) so they are easier to put back when the finished rooms are ready. - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

The tree, the blue paint, and the cloud valence my mom made all stayed, thank goodness!

Getting New Rooms! Yea! The giant tree gets to stay! - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Getting New Rooms! Pack up clothes and toys neatly (and pack a week's worth of clothes) so they are easier to put back when the finished rooms are ready. - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

We painted the bottom half of the wall green, and transferred the bunk bed into Nick's room.

Getting New Rooms! The slow, but rewarding process of putting the furniture back in.- Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com


Nick's "Mario Bros." Room ALMOST DONE Photos:

Then we moved the rest of the furniture in.

Getting New Rooms! If everything else turns out cute, no one will notice the ugly carpet. - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Getting New Rooms! It's getting closer to becoming a Mario Room. - Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

Nicholas has to share the closet for "hanging" clothes and game storage, so to make him a bit happier, we added…

Getting New Rooms! Closetmaid from Target gave us an easy way to add shelves up top and in the bottom of our closet.- Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

…a private reading area in his room as well.

Getting New Rooms! Working on a "cozy nook" in Nick's closet so he can sit and read in private.- Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com

I'm looking foward to sharing their completed room photos in a couple weeks.

Getting New Rooms! Our Mario themed bedroom will be completed soon!- Stamp Your Art Out! www.stampyourartout.com


Stamp Your Art Out! ~Rachel