Today is Veterans Day, so I thought I would re-share some patriotic scrapbook pages that I had made awhile back, introduce you to a section that I have in my blog where you can see a lot of my scrapbook pages at a glance, and show you two boards of ideas I have on Pinterest.

I posted these pages back in April, but I thought it was fitting to share them again today as a tribute to the men and women that serve and protect our country. Thank you.



Besides clicking on the Scrapbook Pages category under my Categories Section to see pages I have posted in the past, there is another area right underneath the Categories section called "Scrapbook Pages". You can click on it to see all these pages at a glance!

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Are you all on Pinterest yet?! I love this great visual resource of ideas! I've been pinning for awhile now and have some fun boards to share with you all. I believe you need to be a member of Pinterest to get in to see them though. It's Free and you don't have to do anything once you're in, so go sign up (if you haven't yet) and then check out my pins! Click here to get to Pinterest.


Click here to see my 4th of July Board…


and here to see my Scrapbook Pages Board.


Stamp Your Art Out! ~Rachel